Co-organised by the European Commission and the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the EU in 2019

ENEN PhD Event & Prize 2019

13th ENEN PhD Event & Prize 2019 – 3 ENEN PhD prizes of EUR 1000 grants to the winners to cover the expenses to attend to an international conference and present the result of his/her research work.

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Every year the ENEN PhD Event & Prize is organized to promote and support the work of young researchers in Europe.

The ENEN PhD Event & Prize is an action of the European Nuclear Education Network to support the Research and Science in the Nuclear fields promoting the works of the young scientists and researchers who start their career finishing their PhD. It takes place on a yearly basis in the framework of the international congress in the field of Nuclear science. The ENEN PhD Event will consist of up to 12 PhD presentations nominated by ENEN Members and selected by the ENEN PhD Prize Jury. The event will be divided into several sessions according to the subjects. The participants will make a presentation of their research work for 25 minutes followed by 5 minutes questions and discussion in a competitive but friendly environment.​